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Research Survey: Workplace Violence

Posted about 3 years ago

My name is Lisa Jostad, and I am a third year DNP student at NDSU.  As a member of NDNPA, you were identified as an advanced practice provider in ND.  If you are a current NP student, or a currently practicing or retired NP, I am requesting your participation in a survey about workplace violence and NPs. NPs are an unrepresented population in research concerning workplace violence.   

As part of my dissertation project, conducting a survey to:  

  • Assess North Dakota NPs experience with workplace violence. 
  • Assess need or desire for continuing education on workplace violence, methods of de-escalation, and violence prevention.    

Participation in the study involves completing a short electronic survey.  The survey will take 10 minutes or less to complete.    

I would like to evaluate the survey result by February 24, 2021, to facilitate the development of the continuing education on workplace violence in March.    

As an incentive for completion of the survey, participants will receive an invitation to participate in the free virtual continuing education about workplace violence.  The topics included in the CE will be determined by responses to the survey.  

Feel free to contact me with any questions at

Link to survey: 

Thank you for your assistance with this project.